Customer service 101: Listen and engage your clients on social media

In today’s world, customer service is of great importance in everything we do, and as such, it should be approached and handled carefully. Client support and services in person and online matter and should be tailored to the needs of your clients. When starting the initial engagement we may use templates, but they should not be our guide in every …

Support people’s dreams

Leaders support and empower others, they don’t bring them down. This also applies when people are leaving your team and moving onto new opportunities and at times even completely different careers. Good people and good employees should always be supported, even when their immediate departure will impose certain limitations and challenges to your operations. Help them during the transition phase …

How to staff your team during training

Providing training to your team is essential in order to continue improving the quality of services you offer as well as to enhance career development opportunities. However, when training takes place, it is important not to neglect services you currently provide. The actual staffing process depends on the size of your team, services you provide and training opportunities and schedule. …

Client experience is the starting point

Client experience is the starting point of all service offerings. When designing services to support your organization it is essential to start with the experience of your users (both internal and external) in mind. Once you are aware how your services impact the lives or responsibilities of others that’s when you reverse engineer the process to make sure proper people …

Organizational mission sets all calendars

Business side of your organization sets the calendars of all others. This can happen directly or indirectly, but all functional areas need to be aware of the core mission of their business and act in support of it. In my particular case, in higher education, academic calendar sets our IT calendar and has a significant impact as to how and …

Innovate first, take the lead

As you notice opportunities for improvements, both strategic and operational, take the lead, innovate first and get those advancements in place. Don’t worry about getting the credit or recognition and don’t do it with that motivation in mind. Focus on improving lives of others, such as your clients, your team, your partners and after all, yourself. Recognition for achievements will …

You get what you pay for

When making enterprise decisions look beyond the initial cost and consider total cost of ownership (TCO), usability and user experience. While current cost is an important line item it shouldn’t be the main (or only) factor to consider when deciding which systems or services to implement or who to hire and promote. Look at the overall value that particular enterprise …

Customer service counts

Customer service counts in all industries more than ever. Bad experiences get shared across networks fairly quickly and poor customer service can significantly decrease your market share and profitability even if your product is superior to those of your competitors. Focus your attention on your clients, hire and train all staff with a customer-centric approach in mind as it will …