Here are a few fundamental thoughts on how to build your reputation and credibility across the organization and beyond.
Can you TRUST them? Let’s find out
One of many ways to test out who is trustworthy and who can keep confidential information to themselves.
Manage egos, collaborate, communicate and include others
Manage egos and put the needs of everyone ahead of any individual needs. Collaborate, communicate and leverage skills and experience from other teams, groups and departments for the betterment of the entire organization. If other teams as asking to get involved, don’t take that as encroachment, but rather look at it as an extended, helping hand intended to contribute in …
Organizational mission sets all calendars
Business side of your organization sets the calendars of all others. This can happen directly or indirectly, but all functional areas need to be aware of the core mission of their business and act in support of it. In my particular case, in higher education, academic calendar sets our IT calendar and has a significant impact as to how and …
Take your talents where they belong
If you are unhappy, unfulfilled or lack challenges where you currently are, please leave. Life is way too short for you to waste it away where you don’t belong. Think about your talents and capabilities and then take them where they would have the greatest positive impact on lives of others. Providing value to others will result in revenue generation …
Introduce yourself and meet people
As you join a new team it is crucial to introduce yourself and meet people in this new organization (both within and outside your immediate team and responsibilities). While it is important to familiarize yourself with policies, guidelines and operational structure it is equally important to put names and faces together and by doing so build familiarity and trust.
Clear responsibilities and structure
Individual responsibilities for each employee must be clearly communicated and understood by both sides, employee and supervisor. These responsibilities mush also be shared with the entire team as well as with other teams they regularly interact with. People need to know who does what and how they contribute to the entire team and the entire organizational mission, strategy and vision. …
Be resourceful and negotiate
Most of us are faced with lack of resources in some capacity in order to accomplish everything we believe we could and think we should be able to do. This lack of resources can be manifested in lack of personnel, particular skill set; lack of funding, lack of technology; equipment; tools; support services…and the list goes on. Sadly, that is …
Search committee representation
When selecting representation for a search committee one must keep the position they are hiring for in mind. Focus not only on the operations or functions the new hire will fill, but also include people from other areas of your organization which will closely work with the incumbent. All employee groups who will work for or closely with them should …
When possible, promote from within
When possible, promote from within as this keeps employees motivated and it shows there’s room for growth and opportunities. Organizations should also focus on mentoring employees by helping them discover their strengths. Additionally, promoting from within will greatly aid in creation of the culture of collaboration, effort, commitment and the overall success. Having said that it is important to note …