Best job interview advice: be yourself!

Job interviews are an important and (for most) unavoidable process in transition between your current place of employment and the next chapter of your career. While I have made a video about in-person interview tips, I want to take a moment to focus on the most important advice of them all: be yourself! No matter what happens or what you …

Hire people for their personality, character and abilities, not prestige

As you are expanding your team or replacing an employee who has recently left the company make sure to focus on the personality and abilities of that new individual, not the prestige they may bring. While the education and previous employment are absolutely important, don’t become enamored with “glamorous” companies or universities such as MIT, Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Stanford, Cambridge…as …

Internet history and online presence

Most of us are online is some way, shape or form. We read, we comment, we post, we share, we like (or dislike)…and as such we should be mindful of our overall online presence. Internet history and the overall online presence will remain online “forever.” It is important to approach it that way and understand that our random account names …