Here are a few fundamental thoughts on how to build your reputation and credibility across the organization and beyond.
Sharing workload “evenly”
While it is impractical to have a perfect balance of work and responsibilities for many reasons, it is important to be mindful of distribution and proactively be intentional as to how work gets done.
Reasons for change are not all equal
Making a change does not necessarily mean that what was done up until this point is bad in any way. It may simply refer to an evolution of products, services and maturity of how we approach certain needs.
Is pandemic impacting your business? How about other things?
Is pandemic impacting your business? How about other things? While the past year has been challenging for us all to varying degrees, it is important to acknowledge that other areas and decisions have impacted businesses and organizations. In many cases, decisions about how to lead, invest, train, market, modernize…and so on have been made for years even though they may …
Path to happiness is not always upward
Path to happiness is not always upward. Know yourself, be honest with yourself and then act accordingly in your life and career. Personal growth, advancement and improvement is not always upward bound for everyone as not everyone will want to take on additional responsibilities and changes that come with that decision. When in doubt, air on the side of true …
Be the leader you wish you had
Change, growth and progress could all begin with you. Yes, you, no matter what your formal title might be today. While executive leadership teams have a very important role to play, change, action, leadership can be initiated across many places within an organization and are not limited exclusively to titles or corner offices. If you believe that your team or …
Business continuity extends beyond technology
While business continuity and disaster recovery are heavily dependent on technology, tools and processes they both need to extend beyond technology and should be approached as organizational priorities, endeavors and initiatives.
People want respect and flexibility
While motivations change with age and experience and are heavily influenced by our upbringing, environment, character, personality and integrity, two of the areas that remain common for us all are respect and flexibility.
Why you should hire the best people
Hire the best people you can attract and afford. Hire those you can learn from, those who will motivate and inspire you to be better yourself, those who will help you elevate the entire team, together.
Things one shouldn’t do on LinkedIn
As always, one man’s point of view, but let’s highlight some of the major areas of concern I see on this, otherwise, very valuable network. 1. Don’t SPAM people. If we have connected, don’t sell me your product or service within 60 seconds of me accepting your invitation. 2. Don’t endorse people you don’t know. This should be obvious, yet …