Here are a few fundamental thoughts on how to build your reputation and credibility across the organization and beyond.
Don’t believe everything you hear
Don’t listen to noise. Everything around you has an opinion about most things and many will share those opinions freely whether they have been solicited or not. It is up to you not to allow those positive or negative words to change who you are and deter you from the path you have chosen to be on.
How to build your reputation
You are only as good as your last performance. We have all heard this statement or a variation of it and unfortunately, in most organizations, it is partially true. I say partially true as your overall performance and contributions are more important than any single project, service improvement or business development opportunity. Your reputation as a whole is what matters. …
Honor your commitments
Honor the commitments you have made to others. When it comes to your career you are as good as your reputation and your credibility. Always play the long game and look at least 3-5 years ahead (go further out if you can as well) and keep your goals in mind as you make decisions. Show determination, commitment and endurance when …