I should have said no! How many times have you felt this way? The moment (or soon thereafter) you have committed to someone on a project, task, event or a service, you have regretted it. The ability to say no to people and manage your time improves with age and experience (like many other things), and it should be something …
Discipline and why it matters
The mother of all success is discipline. Think about your major accomplishments over the last year, five or ten and you will see that they (whether personal or professional) were heavily dependent on your ability to be disciplined. Did you complete a degree; get that new job; change your career entirely; move across the country or across the world; have …
Cross the finish line
We all have projects, goals and potential accomplishments which have dragged on for way too long. Some of them are 90% done, yet we have spent the last year, or two without any major progress from that point in time. Why is this the case? Are we no longer interested, motivated, inspired? Do we have other priorities? Whatever the reasons …
You decide when to quit
You decide when to quit, not someone else. You live your life according to your terms, norms and plans, not according to the opinions and ideas of others.
Bigger! Think bigger and exceed your current grand, life-long goals. We are all capable of achieving more than we think we can as long as we are willing to put in the effort needed to succeed. Also, it is important to note that all major goals take a long time and they require years, perhaps even decades of commitment, energy, …
What’s your story?
What is your story? What is the excuse you keep telling yourself for not going after all the things you want and deserve in life, in career, in business, health, family…what is it, do you know? Now, that you are being honest with yourself, let’s take this moment to reflect on what you truly desire in life and career. Do …
What you focus on today will determine your tomorrow
Focus = future. What you are focusing on today will undoubtedly determine your tomorrow. Your intent, your focus, your actions along with your skills, talent, education and experience will determine your level of success. All of us spend too much time, effort and energy on things that don’t matter in the grand scheme of life and don’t have the expected …
Success requires both talent & hard work
Hard work is a prerequisite for nearly everything of value in life. However, while we all know this to be true, in practice we often behave differently. For some reason way too many of us over estimate our talents and under estimate the work it will take to reach our goals. Furthermore, we often attempt to go through business and …
Passionate people are indicators of your progress
Passion makes the world go round. Without passion, we won’t be as committed, as focused, or as determined to see our projects and responsibilities all the way through. We won’t care to put in 100% of our efforts and skills, but will rather only contribute as much as it is necessary to get a passing grade. As leaders, we must …
Stop drifting through life and career
Opportunities are created, they are not found on the side of the road. You must be intentional, direct and focused on your future and desired outcomes. You must be relentless and tireless in the pursuit of your goals and realization of your ideas. Whatever your personal and professional goals may be, it is up to you to own the process, …
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