Meetings and you. Are they a good fit? Do you need to be there? Would someone else provide greater value to the objective at hand?
Honest and courageous teams
Honest and courageous teams always outperform those who lack trust, honesty and courage to speak their minds. As a leader, it is your job to help build honest teams with common values, transparency and courage to have real, much needed conversations.
Honest feedback is essential
Honest feedback is essential. The ability to both provide and receive feedback will separate you from the crowd.
Diversity of thoughts, ideas and perspectives
Diversity of thoughts, ideas and perspectives will help each of us grow and improve. Additionally, the entire team will benefit as well.
Team composition will change over time
As you evolve, grow and improve so will the composition of your team. Everyone won’t make the next round. You can’t bring everyone up at the same time. Teams will change and continue to evolve.
Always look for top talent
Finding top talent is an ongoing effort that never stops. Engage into your community, region, nation and beyond to meet new people and learn about their values, skills and capabilities. You never know when an opportune match might materialize out of seemingly nothing. Always look for top talent.
Power of a team
Large changes and massive progress requires teams. One person can spark the change, but can’t do it all themselves.
7 signs your boss is not a leader
7 signs your boss is not a leader: 1. Lack of vision, motivation and inspiration 2. People do not come first 3. Excuses, not enough resources 4. They hide from tough decisions 5. No accountability 6. No confidence 7. No team empowerment to take actions
Everything begins with trust
Everything begins with trust. Without trust among people, all other decisions and actions will be challenged and much more difficult to accomplish.
Diversity of teams, thoughts and experiences
To build high-performing teams, one must be intentional about including different backgrounds, experiences, ideas and thoughts. You don’t want more of you, you want more of them, more of others who are comfortable being themselves and are willing to freely share their perspectives, experiences and ideas.