Honest feedback is essential. The ability to both provide and receive feedback will separate you from the crowd.
Feedback is a gift
Feedback is a gift to be both given and received. Share what you know or have observed with those who are ready to received such feedback and be open yourself to listen to others on what you (and your teams) can do differently or better.
Get feedback from your clients
Continuous, honest feedback on your performance is an integral part for future growth, improvements and advancement. You and your teams must know how well they are doing and they should hear the truth from their clients and partners, not simply rely on internal and somewhat subjective opinions. Ask people how you (and your teams) can improve. Ask your boss, ask …
Ask your team for honest feedback
Are you failing your staff, your coworkers, your team? How do you know? Did you ask them? While most of us will annually reach out to our customers, clients and partners to get their feedback on our performance we often neglect those we work with closely. How often have you asked your coworkers, your staff, your immediate team members about …