Get feedback from your clients

Continuous, honest feedback on your performance is an integral part for future growth, improvements and advancement. You and your teams must know how well they are doing and they should hear the truth from their clients and partners, not simply rely on internal and somewhat subjective opinions. Ask people how you (and your teams) can improve. Ask your boss, ask …

Leaders think and speak clearly

Leaders listen to ideas, consider them, and then make their own decisions based on collective experience, knowledge and available information. While you should always be considerate, professional and respectful to your colleagues you should not agree with ideas and courses of action that you don’t believe in. If your experience, education and knowledge advise you against a particular idea then …

Pay attention to expressions, mannerisms and body language

We all know that actions speak louder than words. Additionally, it is important not to underestimate the importance of our facial expressions, mannerisms and the overall body language. It is important to keep that in mind as you meet with your team, clients, boss, partners…as they are only aware of your feelings and thoughts on particular issues based on what …