When you read the title of this post, what came to mind? You don’t need to answer, but you know what you have been putting off for way too long. Just do it already, what are you waiting for, an invitation? Remember, that all the planning in the world without actually doing it doesn’t mean a thing. Doing beats planning, …
Executives make decisions
Executive leaders must be capable of making decisions and acting on them. As a leader or someone aspiring to leadership positions, you should always do your due diligence in gathering data and information, speaking with others in the same industry (and outside of it), but in the end, you must make a decision. Always know that your teams are looking …
Massive action required
How do we get from A to B (no matter what those might represent) is always influenced, impacted and frequently determined by our own ACTION. Thoughts and ideas and important, but none of them will see the light of day without effort, energy, hard work all of which can be summarized in one word, action.
Talk less, do more
We are all guilty of empty promises, talk that wasn’t followed by action and we all know that that will get us nowhere. As they say, talk is cheap, it’s the action that matters and it is what distinguishes those who achieve and accomplish their goals and those who don’t. Additionally, please don’t wait for your environment to be perfect …
Winners win, that’s what they do
Winners win, that’s what they do. They take change of their lives and their careers and they actively drive change and progress towards goals and ultimate success. On this journey, they don’t whine, complain or blame others for where they are, but rather take their responsibilities seriously and own their actions and decisions.
Today is as good of a day as any of them to start addressing your major goals and making progress towards achieving them one day. We all have major goals that have somehow drifted towards becoming dreams as we think and daydream, but don’t act nearly enough in order to accomplish them. Thinking, planing, strategizing, wishing…all important, but ultimately useless …
How to set and achieve your goals
We all have goals, but how do you set the stage in order to achieve those goals? First, your major goals need to be measurable and large, very large! They need to be so monumental that they will keep you moving forward and making progress for years, even decades to come. When it comes to smaller goals, they generally come …
Stop playing it safe
Stop playing it safe, take risks, act and live your life to the fullest. You know what you dream of, what you think of when no one is around. Now, that you have spent months, frequently even years thinking about it, it’s time to take action and work towards those goals.
Failure to act
Failing to act is still a decision you have made. It is not an absence of one as it is often looked at by many people. Choosing not to make necessary changes and improvements, makes you complicit in maintaining the negative environment you might have inherited. When you know that changes have to be made, make them!
How to hire employees
Growth is good “problem” to have. As you grow and expand your business, you will need to hire more people and this is where so many fail. Hire those who complement your skills and abilities, but who are different from you. Hire those whose strengths are your weaknesses and are of great importance to every business such as sales, marketing, …