Recruit leaders and set them free to do what they do best.
Always look for top talent
Finding top talent is an ongoing effort that never stops. Engage into your community, region, nation and beyond to meet new people and learn about their values, skills and capabilities. You never know when an opportune match might materialize out of seemingly nothing. Always look for top talent.
How to hire employees
Growth is good “problem” to have. As you grow and expand your business, you will need to hire more people and this is where so many fail. Hire those who complement your skills and abilities, but who are different from you. Hire those whose strengths are your weaknesses and are of great importance to every business such as sales, marketing, …
Proactively recruit the best people
As I like to say, focus on people first, they matter the most. This is essential when leading your current teams and it is also of great importance when recruiting new employees. Don’t rely on the traditional way of hiring and finding talent. Posting a position on your HR website (in addition to few other websites) is no longer enough …