Protect your time. Be selective where you invest your time, effort and energy.
Focus on the moment you are in
It is important to be present in the moment. Dedicate your time, effort, energy and focus to what you are doing at that time.
Find time for yourself and do it today
Dedicate time to yourself. Be intentional about taking care of yourself so that you can then help others.
The importance of finding and prioritizing time for yourself
The importance of finding and prioritizing time for yourself. No matter how busy you get, dedicate and prioritize time for yourself to pause, think, reflect and plan what’s ahead.
Why you should schedule time to think
Yeah, I know, it sounds silly as after-all we all think all the time (or at least we should), don’t we? Well, hear me out. Dedicating time to think that is outside meetings, calls, demos, emails…time that is yours, only yours without any distractions, noise or competing priorities. Try it, find time to think and start writing down your thoughts, …
Customer experience matters, a lot!
The importance and value of exceptional customer experience should never be overlooked or underestimated. In addition to a quality product or a service, how you interact and treat your customers matters, a lot! In short, remove friction and respect people’s time and resources.
Greatness does not tolerate laziness
If you aspire to go beyond mediocrity and dream of greatness, you will need to act accordingly and work hard each day. During this (possibly never ending) journey, you will need to prioritize and sacrifice some of the activities that are not as productive and valuable towards realization of those massive goals. There will be weeks, months, even years where …
I should have said “no”
I should have said no! How many times have you felt this way? The moment (or soon thereafter) you have committed to someone on a project, task, event or a service, you have regretted it. The ability to say no to people and manage your time improves with age and experience (like many other things), and it should be something …
Discipline and why it matters
The mother of all success is discipline. Think about your major accomplishments over the last year, five or ten and you will see that they (whether personal or professional) were heavily dependent on your ability to be disciplined. Did you complete a degree; get that new job; change your career entirely; move across the country or across the world; have …
Work is not everything
While working, do your absolute best, but find ways to break up your work routine with other areas of interest and value such as family, health, friends, sports, travel…doing nothing. Yes, at times, you should do nothing, sit, relax and think about your plans and goals. Be intentional with your most valuable asset, time and don’t dedicate all of it …