If you aspire to go beyond mediocrity and dream of greatness, you will need to act accordingly and work hard each day. During this (possibly never ending) journey, you will need to prioritize and sacrifice some of the activities that are not as productive and valuable towards realization of those massive goals. There will be weeks, months, even years where …
Why do you care what people think?
Why does it matter what people say? Why does it matter so much to so many of us that we will stop pursuing our goals, passions and what makes us happy? Why do we empower and enable others to have control over how we live our own lives; why is it that we will rather fly under the radar and …
Less meetings, more doing
Meeting fatigue is something we have all experienced at some point in our careers. Meeting after a meeting to no end and frequently to no purpose or value can become draining on individuals and teams as a whole. Each of our businesses would be much better off if we spent less time in repetitive meetings which frequently conclude without any …