Posted this 23 days ago and the question still remains: Do your actions align with and support your goals?
Put it on paper
I have developed a habit of writing important goals, plans and thoughts on paper. While I also have major things of importance in digital format on my phone (and other devices), there’s something about taking a pen and a piece of paper and writing them down, one by one. It is this process of reflection, thought and planing that often …
Greatness requires discipline
Greatness requires discipline. While your talents and innate abilities are outside your immediate control, what you can control is work, effort, energy and commitment. All of which require you to be disciplined and intentional with your time, responsibilities and priorities.
Why do you care what people think?
Why does it matter what people say? Why does it matter so much to so many of us that we will stop pursuing our goals, passions and what makes us happy? Why do we empower and enable others to have control over how we live our own lives; why is it that we will rather fly under the radar and …
You get what you tolerate
You get what you tolerate, in life and in business. If you attract and retain mediocre players and contributors, you are going to end up with mediocre results, outcomes and performance. This is also applicable to your individual careers as you have the final say on where you are and where you continue to be. If you have decided to …
FINISHED is better than perfect! While I’m a fan of quality in all that I do, at times, it is possible for us all to spend way too much time on things that don’t provide as much value in return. Furthermore, we often sit on thing at 80% or 90% complete and we keep finding excuses as to why we …
Today is as good of a day as any of them to start addressing your major goals and making progress towards achieving them one day. We all have major goals that have somehow drifted towards becoming dreams as we think and daydream, but don’t act nearly enough in order to accomplish them. Thinking, planing, strategizing, wishing…all important, but ultimately useless …
Play the long game
Aalways play the long game when it comes to things that matter and are of importance to you. When it comes to family, health, career…it’s always important to look beyond today and think, plan and act intentionally toward creating your own future. That time will come either way, will you be prepared when it does?
How to set and achieve your goals
We all have goals, but how do you set the stage in order to achieve those goals? First, your major goals need to be measurable and large, very large! They need to be so monumental that they will keep you moving forward and making progress for years, even decades to come. When it comes to smaller goals, they generally come …
Stop playing it safe
Stop playing it safe, take risks, act and live your life to the fullest. You know what you dream of, what you think of when no one is around. Now, that you have spent months, frequently even years thinking about it, it’s time to take action and work towards those goals.