Plan ahead, but live in the moment

Plan ahead, but live in the moment. Don’t allow today to be wasted because you are daydreaming about next week, month, year or even a decade. Always have long-term plans and goals, but work hard each day to get that much closer to those goals. Make progress one day at a time, patiently, yet efficiently and effectively.

Be mindful of the present, but staff for the future

Build your teams thoughtfully. As opportunities open up to add new staff, carefully consider both your team’s and organizational needs then staff accordingly. Don’t simply replace “like for like”, but rather focus on both current needs as well as your future strategic direction you are planning to take. Each member of your team has a role to play and is …

Career advice: be thoughtful and intentional, be strategic

When it comes to your career and your professional future (same goes for many personal goals as well) it is essential to be thoughtful, intentional and strategic. Think long and hard about where you would like to be in 10, 15 or even 20 years and then design your strategic plan. Once you have identified your current professional summit (as …