Success demands discipline. In all that you do, in order to be successful you need to be consistent and disciplined every single day over a longer, sustainable period of time.
You become your expectations
Expectations, standards and what you believe in will go a long way towards determining your final outcome, your performance and contributions.
Best leaders are approachable and welcoming
If you were to take a moment and think about some of the great leaders you have worked with (hopefully you were fortunate enough to work for a few) what are some of their characteristics that were common across the board? One that comes to my mind, without a doubt, was their approach-ability and willingness to be there for staff. …
Proactively reward your top performers, your top 10%
Top performers matter. Your top 10% of employees matter the most as they are the ones who truly move the needle and make a positive difference in your strategy and operations. This is why you must be strategic and thoughtful when it comes to managing their careers in a sense. Executive leadership must know who the best employees are at …
Be mindful of the present, but staff for the future
Build your teams thoughtfully. As opportunities open up to add new staff, carefully consider both your team’s and organizational needs then staff accordingly. Don’t simply replace “like for like”, but rather focus on both current needs as well as your future strategic direction you are planning to take. Each member of your team has a role to play and is …
It’s about the team, not you
Team must always be valued ahead of narrowly focused individual needs. Whenever possible, help people accomplish their goals even if they are not directly related to your responsibilities. Collaborate, communicate and be a team player. No one likes self-centered individuals who hide information or knowledge and don’t work well with others.
Don’t delay the change
When the time is here to make progress, don’t delay the change. If something needs improvement, do it now and don’t delay the unavoidable. Do your due diligence, conduct detailed yet all encompassing research, communicate with your team members and once you have reached a conclusion, act on it.
Support people’s dreams
Leaders support and empower others, they don’t bring them down. This also applies when people are leaving your team and moving onto new opportunities and at times even completely different careers. Good people and good employees should always be supported, even when their immediate departure will impose certain limitations and challenges to your operations. Help them during the transition phase …
Managing massive enterprise projects
Large enterprise projects can be daunting and seem insurmountable at times, but we all know that that is not true. It is not true as they have been done before and if others have completed them successfully, who says that you won’t be able to do the same. And when going gets tough, breathe and remind yourself of these four …
Ask your team for honest feedback
Are you failing your staff, your coworkers, your team? How do you know? Did you ask them? While most of us will annually reach out to our customers, clients and partners to get their feedback on our performance we often neglect those we work with closely. How often have you asked your coworkers, your staff, your immediate team members about …
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