Empower others to contribute and succeed. Share, delegate and scale your operations for growth, size and relevance. Don’t do everything alone, invite and welcome others to join you on this collective and collaborative journey towards growth, improvements and success.
Leaders speak last
Whether you are running a meeting, leading a brainstorming session or building a strategy for a new partnership, product or a service, consider speaking last and here’s why. As the most senior individual in that room or on that call, your opinion and thoughts will influence others and at times event prevent better ideas from surfacing. Enable, empower and expect …
Analyzing Social Media
Social media is the present-day word-of-mouth and as such you need to listen. In order to grow, advance and improve your services and products you need to be aware of what people are saying about your organization. You also need to actively engage in providing exceptional customer service across these channels and meet your clients where they are and enjoy …
Ask your team for honest feedback
Are you failing your staff, your coworkers, your team? How do you know? Did you ask them? While most of us will annually reach out to our customers, clients and partners to get their feedback on our performance we often neglect those we work with closely. How often have you asked your coworkers, your staff, your immediate team members about …
Create experiences that matter
As you embark on new projects and consider introducing new services or products make sure to include your end clients and ideally start with them. Whether it is an internal or an external project it is important to understand the needs of your clients, partners, the business as a whole prior to proceeding. As you meet with people who are …
Build relationships and partnerships with vendors
Build relationships and partnerships with vendors providing services for your organization. No matter how large they may be they should never have an upper hand on your organization; you should work together towards a mutually beneficial relationship so don’t allow to be in a subservient position. Start your selection process by focusing on the needs of your organization, then research …
Periodically reassess performance and customer service
It is extremely valuable to have a pulse on what is happening with your clients, your partners, your suppliers so that you can readjust and act accordingly. Knowing what they think and have experienced with you and your staff is of great value in moving forward and establishing trust in those relationships. This is why a periodic reassessment of both …
Business & technology are partners, not competitors
Finding that perfect balance between business and technology can be a challenging process. Aligning them together where they are useful to one another, productive and most of all on the same page has proven to be the key to success for many organizations. It’s simple, in order to maximize return on technology investments, organizations must align IT decisions with strategic …