Opinions of others and why they don’t matter as much as most might think.
Get feedback from your clients
Continuous, honest feedback on your performance is an integral part for future growth, improvements and advancement. You and your teams must know how well they are doing and they should hear the truth from their clients and partners, not simply rely on internal and somewhat subjective opinions. Ask people how you (and your teams) can improve. Ask your boss, ask …
Social media etiquette
Etiquette in social media is as important as it is in other aspects of life. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for quite a few people which act as if the keyboard absolves and separates them from reality, courtesy, professionalism and kindness. Speaking to people on social media shouldn’t differ from how you speak with people in person. Having this digital …
Best leaders are approachable and welcoming
If you were to take a moment and think about some of the great leaders you have worked with (hopefully you were fortunate enough to work for a few) what are some of their characteristics that were common across the board? One that comes to my mind, without a doubt, was their approach-ability and willingness to be there for staff. …
Like it or not, you still have to work together
Personalities clash and people have disagreements, but those shouldn’t become insurmountable obstacles towards collaboration, productivity and advancement. Difference of opinions, ideas and originality is what makes organizations what they are and what they are yet to become. Whether you have initially (un)successfully collaborated with someone or not shouldn’t determine your long-term relationship and collaboration efforts. Make an effort, reach out …
Engage, listen, learn then lead
Embrace the ideas of others, invite and enable all to share their opinions, ideas and suggestions as only then you will begin to align and improve. Additionally, if your ideas get challenged (in a professional and respectful manner) publicly, appreciate and respect people’s ideas and suggestions and take them under advisement. Finally, don’t be vindictive towards those who respectfully present …
Don’t apologize for your opinions
Be authentic, transparent and most importantly, be who you are. Now, don’t confuse this with being confrontational or difficult for no apparent reason, what I actually refer to is sticking to your beliefs and opinions which are backed by facts, experience and values. If you have seriously considered all options and alternatives and you have formed an educated opinion don’t …
Periodically reassess performance and customer service
It is extremely valuable to have a pulse on what is happening with your clients, your partners, your suppliers so that you can readjust and act accordingly. Knowing what they think and have experienced with you and your staff is of great value in moving forward and establishing trust in those relationships. This is why a periodic reassessment of both …