Live your values and act based on your moral compass. Don’t settle or compromise on things that are important to who you are as a person.
Can you explain your decisions?
Can you explain your decisions? Are they grounded in your values and beliefs? If not, why did you make them?
Don’t sell yourself short
Don’t sell yourself short and know your value. Be flexible in your negotiations process and allow for an acceptable range to be considered whether it is a new job, consulting engagement or a speaking opportunity. However, don’t be desperate and set yourself back too far and always be aware of what you are worth and what you would be contributing …
Respect the person, not the title
How often have we seen people who act one way around the C-suite executives, around the CEO, around the owner(s) of the company and entirely different around everyone else? My experience has shown me that in the long-term, these people will always lose. Don’t be one of them. Respect the person, not the title.
You are only as good as your team
Your team matters a lot, even more than some of you might think. They matter as much as you do (if not more in some instances) as their actions, values and contributions speak volumes about you, their leader. Your job is to select (attract and retain) the best people you can, provide them needed resources then get out of their …
Expand your circle of trust
Meeting people, getting to know them and learning what matters to them will be of great value to you in the long run. Build relationships, expand your network and invest in growing your circle of friends, colleagues and acquaintances. While we all know that networking has a potential to produce great value, this became even more evident to me during …
Don’t apologize for your opinions
Be authentic, transparent and most importantly, be who you are. Now, don’t confuse this with being confrontational or difficult for no apparent reason, what I actually refer to is sticking to your beliefs and opinions which are backed by facts, experience and values. If you have seriously considered all options and alternatives and you have formed an educated opinion don’t …