To my friends and colleagues who have shared their current challenges at work. If you are not respected and you don’t belong, it is time to move on to a place where your integrity, values and contributions will be appreciated.
Leaders must be visible
Leaders must be visible and approachable. They should also provide positivity and reassurance in challenging times.
Leaders must be visible and approachable
Why leaders must be visible and approachable? People who work with you want to know who you are, what you stand for, what do you believe in. They also want to be able to relate to you as a leader and to understand their role and place in the strategy, vision and the overall direction. Be visible, accessible and approachable …
Patience and grit
To succeed, one needs both patience and grit and here’s why.
Making a bad hire
Hiring is tough. It takes too long; we reject great potential colleagues; advance those who are not; and during this process we don’t have the complete picture of those who are applying (nor do they of us) and for those reasons, it is inevitable to make mistakes. We have all hired someone who wasn’t the right fit for our culture, …
5 years later, nothing has changed?
Are you in the same place today as you were 5 years ago? Allow me to clarify. If you are happy where you are professionally (and personally), where you feel fulfillment, progress, advancement, contributions, and are a part of something larger than yourself..then, you have won already! Otherwise, if you are unhappy and you keep complaining to anyone willing to …
Live your life and stop conforming
This is your life, please live it your way. Stop following others without thinking about what your thoughts are on a particular topic, idea or a goal. Stand up and speak up for what you believe in, even if it challenges the norm or commonly accepted beliefs. Be true to your self in all aspects of life and career. Remember, …
Everything that matters and is truly valuable in life, takes time. There are no shortcuts in relationships, career, business, education, health…there is no shortcut to greatness. Once you understand that, you will spend more time on making progress and a lot less looking around at what others have done or may be doing.
How to retain best talent?
Talent matters, a lot. When it comes to attracting and retaining top level performers (those who play nice with others), I believe that we could all do more. This pertains to people who are great team players, leaders, collaborators, communicators and have enviable functional skills. While money helps, it is not the primary motivator for all people which is why …
Keep asking questions
Keep asking questions as they will enable you to continue learning while contributing to the process at the same time. Don’t be someone who sits in meetings and doesn’t contribute with ideas, thoughts and experiences as that is a sure way to become irrelevant and overlooked when major projects and initiatives come around. As someone who wants to grow, learn …