Overwhelming percentage of your life is entirely within your own control and depends on your mindset, talents and work ethic.
Always look for top talent
Finding top talent is an ongoing effort that never stops. Engage into your community, region, nation and beyond to meet new people and learn about their values, skills and capabilities. You never know when an opportune match might materialize out of seemingly nothing. Always look for top talent.
Power of a team
Large changes and massive progress requires teams. One person can spark the change, but can’t do it all themselves.
How to retain best talent?
Talent matters, a lot. When it comes to attracting and retaining top level performers (those who play nice with others), I believe that we could all do more. This pertains to people who are great team players, leaders, collaborators, communicators and have enviable functional skills. While money helps, it is not the primary motivator for all people which is why …
Talent is never enough
Talent alone doesn’t stand a chance without grit, work and determination. We all know someone who had an abundance of talent who never realized their potential as they didn’t have to work ethic needed to make that talent shine and provide value. When I speak about reaching full potential, I don’t mean money and financial gains (even thought they help), …
Invest in people first
People must come first in all you do and here’s why. If you invest time, attention, focus and financial resources into attracting, retaining and growing the best people you can afford you will be positioned adequately to improve and grow your business. It all starts with people first, then processes, policies, followed by technology and everything else in THAT order. …
What you focus on today will determine your tomorrow
Focus = future. What you are focusing on today will undoubtedly determine your tomorrow. Your intent, your focus, your actions along with your skills, talent, education and experience will determine your level of success. All of us spend too much time, effort and energy on things that don’t matter in the grand scheme of life and don’t have the expected …
Your ability to anticipate is a major advantage
Anticipation is the key! Well, one of several major keys to progress and success. Your ability to anticipate the needs of your team, your boss, your organization, your industry, clients, partners…your CEO, is crucial to say the least. While it is important to be present in the moment and make progress, it is equally as important to look some 3-5 …
Time is slipping away
Time is elusive, it can’t be grouped, limited, can’t be controlled…it simply keeps on moving and ticking away whether we like it or not. What we do have control over is what we do with our time and how do we spend it. Audit your life to see if you are spending time on small insignificant things which don’t matter …
How to pitch your project, product or service
Pitching your project, product or service is a necessary step in entering a new market or a segment. It is a necessary skill in getting the word out, in attracting investors and in staying in business in general. Furthermore, during your presentations you should be prepared for all the questions that might and will come your way. You must do …
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