Finding top talent is an ongoing effort that never stops. Engage into your community, region, nation and beyond to meet new people and learn about their values, skills and capabilities. You never know when an opportune match might materialize out of seemingly nothing. Always look for top talent.
Power of a team
Large changes and massive progress requires teams. One person can spark the change, but can’t do it all themselves.
Don’t jump to conclusions
Our vantage points and perspectives differ and they matter when making decisions which is why it is important to do your best to understand as much of the environment as possible. Understand what and who influences decisions. As you progress in your career, your priorities and responsibilities will change and so will your decisions. It is important to do your …
Proactively recruit the best people
As I like to say, focus on people first, they matter the most. This is essential when leading your current teams and it is also of great importance when recruiting new employees. Don’t rely on the traditional way of hiring and finding talent. Posting a position on your HR website (in addition to few other websites) is no longer enough …
Marissa Mayer: is Yahoo! in need of new leadership, again?
Once again, Yahoo could soon be looking for a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). That is, if an investor (Eric Jackson) has his way. According to him, Marissa Mayer has been lavishly spending money, Yahoo’s money on events which provided no return on investment. Furthermore, her executive team have made questionable acquisitions in recent past. You can read more about …
Leadership teams must reflect the larger population they lead
Adequate representation within leadership and governance teams is essential. This not only means getting the best people you can get to join your leadership teams, but it also speaks about the importance of being mindful of appropriate gender and racial representation as well. Examples of misrepresentation are everywhere. I have recently come across a governance body representing a very large …