While I am not against counteroffers per se, I believe that if you wait to make one you have potentially missed an opportunity to retain that employee. At that point, in my experience, they are “gone.” Their mind had left and their body is soon to follow. Instead, focus on being actively engaged in the work your team does and …
How to motivate employees
How to motivate employees? In short, flexibility. People are motivated by different things based on their character, integrity, priorities, age…and many other factors. To some it is time in the office; to others it is a corner office and a title; or it could be money (salary and bonuses)…and the list is nearly endless. Find out what are cultural and …
HIRING: calling references. Why do we do it?
Why do we still call references? Why do we still call references that were provided to us by the candidate? Is there a better way?
Hire the person, not their employer
Way too frequently I have seen people get mesmerized by a brand or a logo from where a particular candidate is coming from and frequently those hires don’t work out long-term. Yes, for high-level positions you may need some “sizzle” and somebody to come from a large organization, but please when you’re hiring and building your teams focus on the …
3 types of employees who have to go
3 types of employees who have to go (for varying reasons and at various times): 1. “The superstar” – someone with a particular set of technical or functional skills who doesn’t play well with others and doesn’t respect the rest of the team members. Someone who causes issues, tension and problems. Remember, a rotten apple will spoil the entire basket. …
Basic resume tips
For most of us, resume is where the process of change and transition begins. You write it summarizing your experience, contributions, skills and education. It is used as the first point of contact and reference by your prospective employers. While each of our experiences and careers vary each of the resumes could benefit from some fundamental guidelines. Format: keep it …
Do you know what motivates your employees?
Know your people, their hopes and dreams and do what you can to enable them to be successful. We are all motivated by different things and reasons that drive us to contribute and perform at exceptional levels. For some it is money, career advancement and growth; for others, work-life balance and more time with their families; for some people it …
Proactively recruit the best people
As I like to say, focus on people first, they matter the most. This is essential when leading your current teams and it is also of great importance when recruiting new employees. Don’t rely on the traditional way of hiring and finding talent. Posting a position on your HR website (in addition to few other websites) is no longer enough …
Customer Service: UPS vs Amazon
Customer service is essential and nonnegotiable for any business that wants to be competitive, successful and valuable. Furthermore, today more than ever, longevity and long-term client retention directly depends on the overall customer experience your business provides to their clients. Here’s is my most recent example with two major companies, UPS and Amazon. One has failed miserably while the other …
Best job interview advice: be yourself!
Job interviews are an important and (for most) unavoidable process in transition between your current place of employment and the next chapter of your career. While I have made a video about in-person interview tips, I want to take a moment to focus on the most important advice of them all: be yourself! No matter what happens or what you …