Promote, encourage and even demand learning and exchanges of ideas across your organizations and your teams. As I often say, best ideas must win and as such it is essential for leaders to create environments where it is safe to fail, safe to dissent and have respectful, collaborative conversations. Surround yourself with amazing people. People who are passionate, excited and …
Do you know what motivates your employees?
Know your people, their hopes and dreams and do what you can to enable them to be successful. We are all motivated by different things and reasons that drive us to contribute and perform at exceptional levels. For some it is money, career advancement and growth; for others, work-life balance and more time with their families; for some people it …
Why you should have a University Service Desk
All of your operations begin or culminate with customer service. The point of contact, and interaction between you and your clients or customers is where the magic happens and it is one of the most important aspects of every business. With this in mind, you should create a single point of contact for all IT services and in due time …
Leaders empower people, they don’t micromanage
Micromanagement demonstrates lack of trust in the abilities of your staff and that is never the right thing to do. Enable and empower people to make decisions, take actions and move forward without the need to constantly come to you for every single detail. Obviously, levels of empowerment and decision making abilities will vary based on experience and your familiarity …
Enable people to contribute
As you work with people from different departments, divisions, even different companies you may come to realize that their work may be based on varying levels of quality and expectations. Before getting upset or immediately escalating to their supervisors please try to understand the full picture as to what they may be dealing with. They could be severely understaffed, overworked …