Someone once said, politics, you either play them or get played. However, this too can be done with integrity, honor, respect, honesty and radical candor.
False promises and their downfall
False promises lead to nowhere other than to demise of your own credibility and respect across an organization. Follow the process and confirm whether something can or should be accomplished before you make any promises or commitments. Do not commit to people just to see them smile. As a leader, you are not in a “people pleasing” business and you …
Surround yourself with amazing people
Promote, encourage and even demand learning and exchanges of ideas across your organizations and your teams. As I often say, best ideas must win and as such it is essential for leaders to create environments where it is safe to fail, safe to dissent and have respectful, collaborative conversations. Surround yourself with amazing people. People who are passionate, excited and …
Honor your commitments
Honor the commitments you have made to others. When it comes to your career you are as good as your reputation and your credibility. Always play the long game and look at least 3-5 years ahead (go further out if you can as well) and keep your goals in mind as you make decisions. Show determination, commitment and endurance when …
Honor your word and build credibility
As you are building your professional credibility, it is important to honor your word. No matter how small it may seem, make sure to follow through on things you have said you would do. With time, these somewhat small actions will lead to larger acts which will all assist in establishing your credibility within your community. As people (both clients …