Expectations, standards and what you believe in will go a long way towards determining your final outcome, your performance and contributions.
Leaders care
True leaders care. They care about their employees; they care about their coworkers; they care about the vision and mission of the overall business. They care for everyone they work with and genuinely want to see them succeed. Exceptional leaders are able to motivate others and get the best out of them, they are able to inspire people to contribute …
Customer service: How to answer a phone
How should one answer the phone? Besides saying “hello” and being polite, it is essential to embody to quality you want your customers to experience in everything you do, even when answering calls. Once you have answered the phone, focus all of your attention on that client, don’t do other things and don’t put them on hold (unless you really …
Culture of innovation, creativity and progress
Building your culture is a hard work that needs to be thought out strategically, planned carefully and implemented one step at a time. The process of bringing everyone to a new standard of performance, new standard of thinking takes time and it is not something one can achieve over night. With that in mind, it is essential to remain committed …
Stay true to yourself
Don’t change or compromise your beliefs for someone else’s gain. When I say this, I obviously reference your positive morals, your high standards and your quality performance. Should you have any negative or detrimental habits or beliefs, by all means, feel free to change those. 😉 Your ethical standards are your compass in life and as such they will keep …
Don’t mistake kindness for weakness
Be kind and respectful to others, but don’t ever allow anyone to mistake that empathy for a weakness. People should be treated with respect, professionalism and common courtesy, but none of those gestures should be mistaken as a “free pass” by select individuals to perform outside standards, policies and processes that apply to all others.
Enable people to contribute
As you work with people from different departments, divisions, even different companies you may come to realize that their work may be based on varying levels of quality and expectations. Before getting upset or immediately escalating to their supervisors please try to understand the full picture as to what they may be dealing with. They could be severely understaffed, overworked …
Team unity
All members of a team (irrespective of size) must be on the same page at all times. Each of the members must be familiar with procedures, processes and policies and adhere to them across the board. This helps to build the cohesiveness of the unit and demonstrates collegiality and unity to all those you interact and work with. Furthermore, it …
Organizational policies must be communicated
Whether it is a new policy or an update to an existing one, all changes must be clearly communicated across the organization and an official start date needs to be set. Furthermore, enterprise policies needs to be written with your organization, people, culture in mind – don’t simply copy them from other organizations as they won’t make sense in your …