Focus on your personal strengths and hire your weaknesses

Focus on your personal strengths and hire your weaknesses. Each of us have different skills and talents and we should leverage them for our success. These qualities will complement qualities of others as you build or join teams and with everyone working together towards a unified vision, success is guaranteed. Contrary to what you may have heard in the past, …

Stop faking it

Contrary to a popular saying, don’t fake it ’til you make it. Focus on what you know, have experience in and enjoy doing. Please stop pretending to be someone you are not, especially when it comes to work. Leverage your strengths to provide value to others and by doing so you will be providing value to yourself.

Successful future depends on today’s actions

Being envious, jealous and even hateful of others’ success is quite easy and common yet it is completely pointless and quite limiting. Instead of focusing on their own plans and goals, quite a few people seem to be content looking at others through a murky lens of envy. Being passive and accepting your current state while others thrive, advance and …