You are 100% in charge of your life. Furthermore, overwhelming majority of your professional (and personal) outcomes depend on you to a great degree (I know, I know…the environment, circumstances and luck matter as well) so stop looking for others to come and “save” you. No one owes me anything, and having this mentality has helped me overcome many hurdles …
Fears are acquired
We are born with two innate fears, fear of loud noises and fear of falling (or being dropped), all others have been acquired over the course of our lives. Furthermore, most of them have been “manufactured” by our minds based on the variety of (in)valid inputs from our surroundings. If there’s an idea that seems risky, but you can’t stop …
Embrace your weaknesses
Focus on your strengths, but embrace your weaknesses, be honest and transparent as both your strengths and your weaknesses make you the woman or a man that you are today.
Don’t mistake kindness for weakness
Be kind and respectful to others, but don’t ever allow anyone to mistake that empathy for a weakness. People should be treated with respect, professionalism and common courtesy, but none of those gestures should be mistaken as a “free pass” by select individuals to perform outside standards, policies and processes that apply to all others.
Focus on your personal strengths and hire your weaknesses
Focus on your personal strengths and hire your weaknesses. Each of us have different skills and talents and we should leverage them for our success. These qualities will complement qualities of others as you build or join teams and with everyone working together towards a unified vision, success is guaranteed. Contrary to what you may have heard in the past, …