This segmentation is more prevalent across technology then in any of the other areas. In Finance there’s generally a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) who leads everything; in Marketing, that position is a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and so on. Yet, across tech and innovation, we have other positions of consideration to name a few… Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Chief …
Buzzwords: innovation and transformation
Two of my “favorite” buzzwords in recent months and even years are innovation and transformation. The reason for that is that they are both complementary and generally the right area organizations should focus their attention, time and resources, yet most of them will NOT do what it takes to transform their businesses and innovate along the way. These changes take …
Digital transformation: leadership and culture
Digital transformation is primarily impacted and influenced by organizational leadership and culture.
Leaders care
True leaders care. They care about their employees; they care about their coworkers; they care about the vision and mission of the overall business. They care for everyone they work with and genuinely want to see them succeed. Exceptional leaders are able to motivate others and get the best out of them, they are able to inspire people to contribute …