This segmentation is more prevalent across technology then in any of the other areas. In Finance there’s generally a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) who leads everything; in Marketing, that position is a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and so on. Yet, across tech and innovation, we have other positions of consideration to name a few… Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Chief …
Cyber security is a full-time job
As more and more products get connected online in this Internet of Things (IoT) “revolution” of sorts, it is important to take information security strategically, seriously and proactively. To start, your systems and networks need to be redundant, backed up and up to date (properly configured, patched and tested); your users need to know what NOT to do online (at …
Lessons from T-Mobile and Experian partnership and data breach
Cyber security, information security…call it what you want, but it must be taken seriously and proactively in every organization. Furthermore, your plan and attention must extend beyond the confines of your own networks, systems, applications and walls. You need to collaborate with your partners on join strategies to strengthen your connections, secure your data and protect your intellectual property. As …
Information security is everyone’s responsibility
Security of data and information across organizations is everyone’s responsibility. While content management, security, access and backup is generally led by Information technology (IT), they shouldn’t not be the only team involved in managing and securing data across organizations. Proper security training should be an integral part of the hiring process; should be communicated during student orientations and most importantly …
Foster collaboration and share information
Foster collaboration and share ideas, information and knowledge. Mentality where each department thinks and acts as if they were in their own little world or a silo doesn’t work and will get them nowhere. No matter what team, group, department or a division you belong to the overall value for the entire organization needs to be kept in mind and …
Anti-Virus software
In today’s world where network and system security is of great importance and we live and operate behind firewalls, VPNs, SSH, encryption, anti-virus software and many other tools that help make us more secure, it is often difficult figuring out that winning combo to stay safe online and protect your personal information. One component that in a sense started it …
Prevent identity theft
On this morning’s news I head that over the past year some 10,000,000 Americans were victims of identity theft. That’s little over 3% of the U.S. population. Someone might say, well it’s only 3% which is not bad, but when you look at the number it is staggering, frightening even. 10 million people! While there is no guarantee that it …
Did AT&T’s data network fail?
On my way to work this morning I have noticed that none of my iPhone apps would update so I went through the standard troubleshooting of checking settings, reboot and the like, but nothing worked. I have even tried a different device (this one on Verizon’s network) which worked fine. Considering that I turned 3G off this morning this points …