Documentation is crucial in knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer, management and the operations as a whole. Additionally, any and all procedural or project changes must be documented and shared with everyone who is or may be impacted by this change. Document, verify and communicate frequently what you do, why you are doing it and how it impacts the mission and vision …
Information security is everyone’s responsibility
Security of data and information across organizations is everyone’s responsibility. While content management, security, access and backup is generally led by Information technology (IT), they shouldn’t not be the only team involved in managing and securing data across organizations. Proper security training should be an integral part of the hiring process; should be communicated during student orientations and most importantly …
Information is meant to be shared
Information is meant to be shared as its primary purpose is to inform others of what is or will be taking place. As soon as you have access to information that other people would find useful please pass it along so that they can find value in it. Don’t hide, hoard or shelter information, it is not yours to keep …
Culture of evidence and collaboration
As you and your team go about your daily responsibilities it is important to create the culture of evidence and collaboration. Each team needs to be able to document their performance, progress, accomplishments and contributions. The value of such resource will continue to grow with time as it begins to serve as a knowledge management databases of source. This resource …
Benefits of mentoring
Benefits of having a formal mentoring program (which can be implemented informally as well) are overwhelming. They range from knowledge management, transfer and retention; ideas exchange to development of employees and future leaders. Having said that, the most important ingredient for mentoring to be successful is willingness of both parties to participate. You can’t and shouldn’t force it, but rather …