One of the common questions and needs that keeps coming up is centered around getting better at what we do. How do we provide greater value to those we work with. Here are a few thoughts on what one might want to pay attention to.
Take risks on people and help them grow
Take risks on people and help them grow. It is extremely important to enable people in their journeys of growth, advancement and fulfilment. When possible, look to promote existing staff based on organizational needs and priorities and individual capabilities and interests.
Send the elevator back down
Find time to invest in helping those who can do nothing for you at this time. Be a resource, a mentor to those who are coming up behind you in your industry, your education or your market. Think about all of those who have helped you become a woman or a man you are today and make sure you help …
Ask for help
Ask for help. As you are tying to grow, advance, get promoted or build a business it is important to use the opportunities to learn from others who may be further along in the process. Ask for help, ask multiple people and in due time, one of them (at the very least) will be glad to help you make progress.
Hire your boss!
Hire your boss! While that statement without context is contradictory it does deserve your attention as you advance in your career. While vision, responsibilities, advancement opportunities, position, strategic plans, staffing, benefits and salary are all important, the single most important factor impacting and influencing your future success (besides your own work ethic, commitment and quality) is your boss. Having said …
Benefits of mentoring
Benefits of having a formal mentoring program (which can be implemented informally as well) are overwhelming. They range from knowledge management, transfer and retention; ideas exchange to development of employees and future leaders. Having said that, the most important ingredient for mentoring to be successful is willingness of both parties to participate. You can’t and shouldn’t force it, but rather …
When possible, promote from within
When possible, promote from within as this keeps employees motivated and it shows there’s room for growth and opportunities. Organizations should also focus on mentoring employees by helping them discover their strengths. Additionally, promoting from within will greatly aid in creation of the culture of collaboration, effort, commitment and the overall success. Having said that it is important to note …
Open door policy is not optional
Managers and leaders must be available to their teams in any way their staff needs them to be (assuming professionalism and appropriateness of course). Your office door must be open to them, and you need to be accessible and approachable whenever they might need to speak with you. Staff needs to know that you are there to hear them out …