Ask for help. As you are tying to grow, advance, get promoted or build a business it is important to use the opportunities to learn from others who may be further along in the process. Ask for help, ask multiple people and in due time, one of them (at the very least) will be glad to help you make progress.
Does your CEO know who you are?
Do you know your CEO? More importantly, do they know you? I ask this as I know that you are a high achieving and high performing individual and as such have aspirations to grow, advance and make progress. If my assumption is correct, it is important to do what you can (where possible and practical) to be more visible at …
If you do the work, they will never succeed
Help people, empower them, provide resources and tools they need to be successful, but DO NOT do their work for them. Completing the work of others doesn’t help anyone. It doesn’t help them, it doesn’t help you nor does it help your organization. People must be empowered and positioned to succeed, yet they must be accountable for their performance and …