Share what you know

Share what you know, what you have experienced, what you have done before, what you have studied, share freely with others. As long as you are not sharing confidential, private or proprietary information, share what you know in service of helping other people. While many see hoarding information as a chip they may want to cash in at a later …

Information security is everyone’s responsibility

Security of data and information across organizations is everyone’s responsibility. While content management, security, access and backup is generally led by Information technology (IT), they shouldn’t not be the only team involved in managing and securing data across organizations. Proper security training should be an integral part of the hiring process; should be communicated during student orientations and most importantly …

Anti-Virus software

In today’s world where network and system security is of great importance and we live and operate behind firewalls, VPNs, SSH, encryption, anti-virus software and many other tools that help make us more secure, it is often difficult figuring out that winning combo to stay safe online and protect your personal information. One component that in a sense started it …