Social media influencers: Casey Neistat

Whatever you may call it, social media is here to stay and it is relevant for both businesses and individuals. It is how people communicate, it is how brands market and advertise, it is one of major ways that connects us all. One of recent examples of its influence is a cameo appearance by a 12 year old boy (Dutch) …

The power of internet

Recently we have witnessed an amazing turn of events for a man who was homeless and now has a job and a house all thanks to his amazing voice, good people and the power of internet. While this is the latest example which left a powerful impression on me, it is not the only one where technology (alongside good people) …

Friends don’t let friends go phishing

Recent phishing schemes targeting Microsoft’s Hotmail, Google’s Gmail, Yahoo and other e-mail providers represent a new larger wave of an ever-present problem and it once again emphasizes the importance of educating your users, clients and staff how to recognize threats and stay away from them. Basic things to remember: – Your bank, IT staff, utility company or any other service …