What will be your legacy? Have you asked yourself that question lately or ever? Does it even matter to you? This topic was brought up by a colleague of mine this morning and it stuck with me long after the conversation was over. What do we all do each and every single day; is it something worthy of our skills, …
Nikola Tesla died 67 years ago
I try not to repeat posts but this is one of those which will always resurface on January 7th as I do my part to commemorate the birth, life and death of this great scientist, or inventor as he liked to call himself. Please read more about Nikola Tesla here.
It’s Nikola Tesla’s birthday!
I mentioned Nikola Tesla on the anniversary of his death back in January and it is only right to do the same on his birthday. This is also prompted by Google changing their default search image to Tesla Coil. Thank you Google for remembering one of the greatest human beings to ever walk the earth.
Nikola Tesla
On today’s day, 66 years ago, one of the greatest men to ever walk the earth died alone and penniless in room #3327 of the New Yorker Hotel. His name was, Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla? You might ask yourself, why is it that you don’t know more about this great and unusual man? The reasons are many, ranging from Tesla …