Your past is not your future. While your past has certainly contributed to who you are today, it does not need to be a limiting factor determining who you can become. Focus on what you can control, design your days around major priorities and goals and be disciplined about those efforts.
Are you ready for change?
Whether it is health, career or the overall business growth and success, the answer is always the same, we need to change. We need to make certain changes and sustain them for a period of time in order to realize the benefits and potential opportunities. While we should respect and learn from history we shouldn’t live there. Furthermore, we need …
Change is inevitable, embrace it
Change is generally a beautiful thing when it means progress, advancement, improvement and growth. If we look at our history of advancements, education and improvements (and focus on the positive aspects) each passing generation has produced value to those yet to come. With this in mind, please continuously seek improvements by dedicating time and attention to improving everything you and …
What will be your legacy?
What will be your legacy? Have you asked yourself that question lately or ever? Does it even matter to you? This topic was brought up by a colleague of mine this morning and it stuck with me long after the conversation was over. What do we all do each and every single day; is it something worthy of our skills, …
Internet history and online presence
Most of us are online is some way, shape or form. We read, we comment, we post, we share, we like (or dislike)…and as such we should be mindful of our overall online presence. Internet history and the overall online presence will remain online “forever.” It is important to approach it that way and understand that our random account names …