Progress equals happiness

Progress = happiness! Success arrives at the end of a sequence of steps, generally in smaller, more manageable increments. Success is rarely an event, but rather an outcome of a process, dedication and hard work. With that in mind, focus on small, incremental improvements and progress, not changing yourself as that will happen on its own in due time. Take …

Basic resume tips

For most of us, resume is where the process of change and transition begins. You write it summarizing your experience, contributions, skills and education. It is used as the first point of contact and reference by your prospective employers. While each of our experiences and careers vary each of the resumes could benefit from some fundamental guidelines. Format: keep it …

Success requires both talent & hard work

Hard work is a prerequisite for nearly everything of value in life. However, while we all know this to be true, in practice we often behave differently. For some reason way too many of us over estimate our talents and under estimate the work it will take to reach our goals. Furthermore, we often attempt to go through business and …

You will grow and you will learn, but you will never “make it”

Each of has has our own goals that we want to accomplish and those goals are frequently modified before they are actually realized. As we achieve our goals, we set news ones and that process never ends for most people. There is always something we want to accomplish, whether professionally or personally and as such one rarely even reaches the …

Make progress and don’t compare yourself to others

Make progress, don’t chase perfection and most importantly don’t compare yourself to others. Move towards your goals each day and don’t get discouraged by seeing someone who is at this time further along the path than you may be. Most of them have started from zero, and with time, effort, hustle and commitment have advanced to their present state. You …