Respect and value your mission, vision and values, stay true to who you are and what you stand for, but be flexible and innovative when it comes to your products and services. Consistently review and re-imagine what you are doing, redesign them, augment them with the right strategic partnerships and focus your effort, energy and actions on areas that you …
Don’t believe everything you hear
Don’t listen to noise. Everything around you has an opinion about most things and many will share those opinions freely whether they have been solicited or not. It is up to you not to allow those positive or negative words to change who you are and deter you from the path you have chosen to be on.
Adjust your perspective
Adjust your perspective and focus on positive and grateful aspects of your life. Things could be better, sure, but they could also be much worse, don’t forget that. Work on those areas you want to improve, but don’t take people and valuable opportunities you have for granted.
We are all people first
We are all people first. Then, our gender, race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, political or sports affiliations come into play. People first, please remember that in all you do each day in your daily lives and be of service and value to others, don’t go out of your way to bring them down. Help others and by doing so you will …
I love success, I do. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be successful, however you might define success for yourself. Failing along the way is an unavoidable part of learning, improvements and growth, but to love failing is insane. While I don’t know anyone who loves to fail, one shouldn’t be afraid of taking risks, challenging themselves and trying something …
Don’t judge people
We have all done it at some point in life, we have judged someone else. In every instance, that was a wrong decision to make as none of us is perfect and none of us should have the audacity to look down on another human being. Furthermore, in most cases, we don’t have all the information and don’t know why …
Go beyond compliments and help people
Complimenting others is a nice thing to do when it is sincere and comes from the heart. Sharing compliments and being nice to a fellow human being makes us feel good and makes them feel event better, but is this the best we can do? Why don’t we take this a step further and actually invest our time and effort …
Time is slipping away
Time is elusive, it can’t be grouped, limited, can’t be controlled…it simply keeps on moving and ticking away whether we like it or not. What we do have control over is what we do with our time and how do we spend it. Audit your life to see if you are spending time on small insignificant things which don’t matter …
Success requires both talent & hard work
Hard work is a prerequisite for nearly everything of value in life. However, while we all know this to be true, in practice we often behave differently. For some reason way too many of us over estimate our talents and under estimate the work it will take to reach our goals. Furthermore, we often attempt to go through business and …
One life, make it count
ONE LIFE, MAKE IT COUNT! As far as we all know, we each get one chance at life and as such we should value it a lot more, respect those of others and do everything that we can to make it better, more enjoyable and fulfilling. Your past is exactly that, your past, it is gone, it is behind you …
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