Rules of engagement

Learn the system and the rules of the game before you begin playing it. Same applies to your organizations, industries or markets. Learn what works, what doesn’t, how are decisions made and who is able to influence the outcomes and contribute to performance. Once you have done your homework, leverage what you have learned for your future actions in service …

Experience is a lot more than the number of years alone

Experience is what we are all after when looking for a new hire (obviously in addition to personality, skill set and education to name a few). However, this elusive experience is not equivalent to the number of years candidates have, but it is much more related to how were those years spent. When looking to hire, ask yourself, better yet, …

Engage with your industry

Engage with your colleagues, profession and industry by attending seminars, conferences and meetups, both local and global. Learn from others who are wiser or more experienced; learn from those who have done it successfully; learn from those who are a bit further along than you on this journey. Additionally, and equally as important, don’t forget to share what you know …

Never stop learning

Learning is essential and as such should never stop. Do what you can to broaden your horizons each and every day; learn something new and don’t forget to contribute to your respective areas and professions as well. Educate yourself formally and informally, get involved (attend conferences, seminars; read books, journals, websites…) and expand your experiences. Do all of this with …

Selecting the most valuable conference to attend

It’s been a while since I went to a real professional conference (been to a number of one day seminars, presentations and demos), but not a real targeted conference. I think it’s time to change this and become more involved in the technology world outside my immediate area. Also, considering that I’m planning to introduce additional improvements within our team …