Beware of self-proclaimed experts as they are rarely what they claim to be. Expertise can at times be subjective and skin deep which is why you should accept expertise cautiously (especially the one where it is self-proclaimed). I have experienced numerous examples where so called experts were miles away from what they have claimed to be and as such our …
LinkedIn endorsements
Endorsements should be honest and sincere. Please only endorse people and their skills which you have witnessed first hand and can attest to. This video is prompted by a trend where people are endorsing skills on LinkedIn (among other social networks) of people they have never worked with. While everyone enjoys and appreciates recognition and support, I don’t understand the …
Success is contagious
Surround yourself with positive, successful people who will have a beneficial influence on you. Success is contagious and it has a way of inspiring people to dream, set their sights higher and go after things with more vigor and determination. The company you keep not only speaks of yourself, but it also influences your behavior and actions…choose wisely.
Elevate yourself above the crowd
You are not average, you are not mundane, and don’t belong right in the middle of the scale. So stop acting and performing that way and elevate yourself about the crowd, above the average. Being right in the middle is the worst place to be as you are not memorable, you don’t stand out, you don’t contribute at the highest …
Take your talents where they belong
If you are unhappy, unfulfilled or lack challenges where you currently are, please leave. Life is way too short for you to waste it away where you don’t belong. Think about your talents and capabilities and then take them where they would have the greatest positive impact on lives of others. Providing value to others will result in revenue generation …
Is your current job your destiny?
How did you arrive to your current professional destination? And more importantly, is this your final stop? Have you ever asked yourself those questions and what were the conclusions to which you have arrived? Was your career path a straight line with smooth, strategic, well planned transitions or have you taken a number of unexpected turns along the way? What …
Engage with your industry
Engage with your colleagues, profession and industry by attending seminars, conferences and meetups, both local and global. Learn from others who are wiser or more experienced; learn from those who have done it successfully; learn from those who are a bit further along than you on this journey. Additionally, and equally as important, don’t forget to share what you know …