Refuse to settle for average, for being average, for anything that places you right in the middle of the road. You are better than that, you are capable of achieving more and all of that while helping others along the way. This journey begins with confidence and believing in yourself, all else is to follow. Good luck and go for …
Don’t blame your circumstances
Don’t blame your circumstances, change them, do something about it! We are all dealing with challenges, ranging from time, quality, people, funding, strategy, leadership…the list is endless. Whoever you blame for your shortcomings is the wrong person and that approach will get you nowhere in the long term. Do the best with what you have and demonstrate and earn the …
Don’t be average
Average. Even the word itself sounds mediocre and boring. Average, is not what you want to be. Recently, I have watched a video by Grant Cardone, a man who has succeeded against the odds and is a force of nature in the business world (sales in particular), which has reminded me of this overwhelming epidemic of being good enough to …
Elevate yourself above the crowd
You are not average, you are not mundane, and don’t belong right in the middle of the scale. So stop acting and performing that way and elevate yourself about the crowd, above the average. Being right in the middle is the worst place to be as you are not memorable, you don’t stand out, you don’t contribute at the highest …