Respect and value your mission, vision and values, stay true to who you are and what you stand for, but be flexible and innovative when it comes to your products and services. Consistently review and re-imagine what you are doing, redesign them, augment them with the right strategic partnerships and focus your effort, energy and actions on areas that you …
Improving presentation skills and knowing how to SELL
Knowing how to present, negotiate and sell are critical skills for your overall success. Even if you are not in “sales” you should know how to sell your ideas, plans, products, services and so on. This also applies to yourself as you navigate your career and look for new opportunities. Furthermore, quality of a product or a service is essential, …
How to price your product or service
Pricing your product or service effectively is of great relevance with respect how well it will be received in the market. While it is not the only aspect of importance, it certainly impacts how your prospective clients will think about the value of your product or service. In order to be competitively priced, you must learn all you can about …
Designing a client friendly website
We have all came across websites with a mass of links and never ending scroll bars of text which have frequently left us frustrated and annoyed. Being able to quickly find what you are looking for is important and websites with a clear structure who have also been properly indexed (site specific search) are a joy to visit. Unorganized sites …
Amazon Kindle
Amazon Kindle is one of the new products getting a lot of media attention and generating user excitement. While interesting and much better than the previous version I just don’t find it that exciting or something I would purchase for myself. I guess, it’s just not for me.
Your service or product
Over the past month or so I have been asked to review some 4 or 5 services/websites/products and have to say that I have enjoyed doing it. All of these have been in either their beta or pre-release stages. A couple of them are very cool ideas and hopefully they will be able to position themselves properly and gain decent …