If you are trying to gain awareness and enter new markets, it is important to get your name, your brand, and your reputation out there. Whether you are an army of one or part of a major organization, it is important for people to become aware that you and your services or products exist. Once they are aware of you …
How to price your product or service
Pricing your product or service effectively is of great relevance with respect how well it will be received in the market. While it is not the only aspect of importance, it certainly impacts how your prospective clients will think about the value of your product or service. In order to be competitively priced, you must learn all you can about …
4 FREE and SECURE online backup services
Internet is filled with dozens of online backup/storage services which provide different levels of functionality, reliability, security and space to users. In order to cut through some of this clutter here are four online services that I have used and found to be reliable, functional and secure. While putting this short list together I focused on three requirements: services had …
Twitter from an iPhone
Ever since I got an iPhone as a birthday present (thank you Courtney!) in July of this year I have been using Twitterrific as the Twitter app of choice. At that time, it was one of the first apps to market and it worked fairly well. Plus, it’s FREE! 🙂 However, over the past several weeks the application started crashing, …