When is it time to make a career move

Lack of progress (both personal and professional) over a long period of time is indicative that it might be time for you to begin exploring other options. It is important to understand that at some point in time, it is no longer valuable to you to keep hoping that things will change, especially things over which you may not have …

To survive your business must be profitable

Profit dictates your organizational sustainability, longevity and its very existence. Whether you are in for-profit or non-profit sectors, you have to be profitable in order to pay your people, rent, utilities, technology, vendors…and the list goes on. While the growth doesn’t need to be substantial in every instance, even a single digit percentage increase in revenues (ideally in profits as …

Invest in people first

People must come first in all you do and here’s why. If you invest time, attention, focus and financial resources into attracting, retaining and growing the best people you can afford you will be positioned adequately to improve and grow your business. It all starts with people first, then processes, policies, followed by technology and everything else in THAT order. …

How to price your product or service

Pricing your product or service effectively is of great relevance with respect how well it will be received in the market. While it is not the only aspect of importance, it certainly impacts how your prospective clients will think about the value of your product or service. In order to be competitively priced, you must learn all you can about …