One should earn and retain the privilege that is entrusted to them to oversee finances of an organization. Respect the budget and be mindful of what you need to accomplish and how to strategically invest in your upcoming opportunities and innovation. Don’t be wasteful.
LinkedIn spam is not marketing
LinkedIn spam is something we are all familiar with and the reason for it can be summarized in the words of Gary Vaynerchuck: marketers ruin everything. While this is in no way a proper marketing approach, strategy or even a tactic it is certainly of great annoyance to most. LinkedIn spam generally beings in the following way: 1. You get …
Spend company’s money as you would your own
Fiscal responsibility of a budget is exactly that, a responsibility, not a right. This privilege should not be treated lightly and should be approached with rationale, integrity and accountability. As you are making purchases focus on the needs of your team and those you work with and support. Once the needs are addressed and if budget permits, only then should …
You get what you pay for
When making enterprise decisions look beyond the initial cost and consider total cost of ownership (TCO), usability and user experience. While current cost is an important line item it shouldn’t be the main (or only) factor to consider when deciding which systems or services to implement or who to hire and promote. Look at the overall value that particular enterprise …
Under promise, over deliver
Be honest and set realistic expectations considering the scope, resources, budget and time frame of the project. It’s is always better to exceed your clients’ expectations than to not have met them at all.