One should earn and retain the privilege that is entrusted to them to oversee finances of an organization. Respect the budget and be mindful of what you need to accomplish and how to strategically invest in your upcoming opportunities and innovation. Don’t be wasteful.
Protecting your team
How and when should you protect your team? The answer is almost always, always! Even when you collectively under-perform or fail, it is up to you to face those consequences and address any criticism publicly while resolving any challenges internally and privately. Furthermore, don’t allow anyone to badmouth your team publicly, especially if they haven’t had any common decency or …
Difficulties with dual reporting
You have two bosses? Not good! Here’s why. While I believe that all power and authority should not be concentrated within one man or a woman and that others should be enabled and empowered to act and make decisions, it is important to be clear on who is leading what area and who has the final say. Having said that, …
Leaders are authentic and consistent
Leaders must not only be honest, truthful and knowledgeable, but the very best of them are authentic and consistent as well. If you make a decision, stand behind it across all challenges (both internal and external) and communicate authentically across the enterprise. People you work with must know why you made the choices you have made and they need to …
Proactively recruit the best people
As I like to say, focus on people first, they matter the most. This is essential when leading your current teams and it is also of great importance when recruiting new employees. Don’t rely on the traditional way of hiring and finding talent. Posting a position on your HR website (in addition to few other websites) is no longer enough …
CIOs are joining Boards of Directors
Technology is a the core of nearly everything we do in modern business and as such it needs to be considered as one of the greatest opportunity and difference makers around. With this in mind, it is natural to see more and more technology executives, most frequently Chief Information Officers (CIOs) joining both boards and top management teams. These teams …
Build diverse teams
Build teams that are as diverse as possible. Hiring carbon copies of yourself is counterproductive and provides no value to you, the team or the organization as a whole. You want and need people of different races, ethnicity, education, experiences…as you never know where that next great idea may come from. You want originality and uniqueness to be embodied in …
How to be a great leader
To be a great leader you must make your intentions, actions and decisions about others, not yourself. You also need to provide needed resources and create a safe and relaxed environment. Additionally, you also need management skills to build on as all members of your team must be aware of the policies, rules, guidelines and responsibilities. Finally, share responsibility, empower …