Switching industries mid-career is a topic I come across frequently and those inquiring almost always doubt their abilities to make the switch successfully. While every industry and profession has its nuances, terminology and software used, the fundamental experience in areas such as leadership, management, technology, finances, marketing and the like don’t change that much. After all, P&L is P&L in …
How to negotiate successfully
One of several skills that will be useful in all aspects of your life is knowing how to negotiate.
Don’t give up your business equity too soon
Business equity should be valued and not given away easily and at first opportunity.
To survive your business must be profitable
Profit dictates your organizational sustainability, longevity and its very existence. Whether you are in for-profit or non-profit sectors, you have to be profitable in order to pay your people, rent, utilities, technology, vendors…and the list goes on. While the growth doesn’t need to be substantial in every instance, even a single digit percentage increase in revenues (ideally in profits as …
People who don’t belong in meetings
Ahhh meetings…the place where so much time is wasted, never to be recovered again. While, in my experience, half of them are entirely useless, at times it is essential to bring the right people together to make decisions, take actions and move forward. When it comes to inviting people to join a meeting here are a few types you shouldn’t …
Invest in people first
People must come first in all you do and here’s why. If you invest time, attention, focus and financial resources into attracting, retaining and growing the best people you can afford you will be positioned adequately to improve and grow your business. It all starts with people first, then processes, policies, followed by technology and everything else in THAT order. …
State of leadership, plan your future
How many leaders do you know personally? How many great leaders have you had an opportunity to work with? While experiences certainly vary, I am willing to bet that your list is small, very small. One of my passions and unwavering beliefs is that EVERYTHING ties to LEADERSHIP in one way or another which is why this trend of a …
How to make money: 4 major areas to focus on
One way or another, we all want to be compensated for the value we provide, for the work we put in. Whether this is a salary, a bonus, contract pay…your products and services should be valuable and therefore you should be paid for them. That’s simple enough. However, money on its own shouldn’t be your only or major objective as …