People who don’t belong in meetings

Ahhh meetings…the place where so much time is wasted, never to be recovered again. While, in my experience, half of them are entirely useless, at times it is essential to bring the right people together to make decisions, take actions and move forward. When it comes to inviting people to join a meeting here are a few types you shouldn’t …

No negative people allowed

No negative people allowed. Period. While you can’t control others (and you shouldn’t try to do that anyway) you should be in complete control of how they impact and influence you, your emotions, feelings, behavior and life in general. Negative people should have zero influence over how you feel, think or perform. They have lost already and as such their …

How to pitch your project, product or service

Pitching your project, product or service is a necessary step in entering a new market or a segment. It is a necessary skill in getting the word out, in attracting investors and in staying in business in general. Furthermore, during your presentations you should be prepared for all the questions that might and will come your way. You must do …