The importance of finding and prioritizing time for yourself. No matter how busy you get, dedicate and prioritize time for yourself to pause, think, reflect and plan what’s ahead.
Why you should schedule time to think
Yeah, I know, it sounds silly as after-all we all think all the time (or at least we should), don’t we? Well, hear me out. Dedicating time to think that is outside meetings, calls, demos, emails…time that is yours, only yours without any distractions, noise or competing priorities. Try it, find time to think and start writing down your thoughts, …
How to manage time
First, look at what matters to you, I mean truly matters to you. Is it your family, your health, your hobbies/sports/interests, your business, your career…list them all. Now that you have identified you major areas of priorities (let’s say 3-5 of them), next, within each of them organize tasks and actions based on whether they are important, urgent and everything …
Focus on what matters
If you look back on things that you were obsessing over a week ago, a month ago or even a year ago, I’m willing to bet that you will find that most of them are somewhat inconsequential today. There are very few things that truly matter in life, business and career and as such those are the ones that truly …
Live your life and stop conforming
This is your life, please live it your way. Stop following others without thinking about what your thoughts are on a particular topic, idea or a goal. Stand up and speak up for what you believe in, even if it challenges the norm or commonly accepted beliefs. Be true to your self in all aspects of life and career. Remember, …
Write down your goals and make them visible
Write down your goals and make them visible. When I say this, I refer to your major 5-8 goals you want to accomplish this year. Once they are written down, make them visible everywhere, at home, at work, on your phone, laptop…everywhere. You want these consistent reminders of what your priorities are and that time shouldn’t be wasted.
Don’t blame others, it’s all you
Don’t blame anyone else for your performance, as it is YOUR performance. While I have said this time and time again, I was reminded of it and humbled by it a few days ago as a number of people have been waiting on my contributions in order for certain processes to move forward. It was all me, my fault, my …
Don’t sweat the small stuff
99% of things don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Keeping this in mind and in perspective it is essential to spend your time, energy, effort and resources on things that do matter. Focus on what matters and what is important, not on those who are loud and in desperate need of attention or on responsibilities which don’t really …